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The North Star Kennel Club is proud to host our Monthly Mosh at Best in Show Weekend. This is a public event and is open to those 18+.

This event is free to full and associate members. A $5 donation is requested but not required of non-members.

Best in Show Weekend is a charity event weekend being produced by the Twin Cities Puppy Pack, celebrating the first anniversary of their founding. Their proceeds will be going to the Animal Humane Society.

The pup community has grown out of the leather community and we come together to celebrate and play. However, human-pup role-play has taken on its own identity with its entry level being low and non-threatening, energizing and rewarding, with treats and toys and no small talk required. Many find it therapeutic.

Come join us! Find out what we’re about. Maybe take off your shoes, get down on your knees and pup out. You don’t need gear, just an open mind.

1:00-2:00 p.m. social and setup
2:00-4:00 p.m. mosh
4:00-5:00 p.m. social and cleanup

North Star Kennel Club is group of human-pups, handlers, and people curious about pup play in Minnesota and the Midwest. We are based out of Minneapolis and strive to educate people about pup play and provide a comfortable, accessible, and safe place to enjoy it.