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Attention all pets and peeps! Do you like board games? We are having a board game meet up! Lynlake Brewery, 2934 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis.
The event is 18+, you are welcome to bring your own games but will be responsible for your own. The brewery has a wide selection of games on hand. Unfortunately no hoods please.
Please be courteous guests and buy lots of food/beverages so we can make a good impression and hopefully have more events with them.
RSVP requested with me but not strictly required.
Parking at 2940 Garfield Ave (across the street)
The pet community has grown out of the leather community and we come together to celebrate and play. However, human-pet role-play has taken on its own identity with its entry level being low and non-threatening, energizing and rewarding, with treats and toys and no small talk required. Many find it therapeutic.