Puppy Pride 2019
Twin Cities Pride
The North Star Kennel Club will once again be participating in the Twin Cities Pride Celebration. Remember…this year’s Pride is a week earlier than usual, owing to the WorldPride celebration in New York City, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots!
- We will be working an hour-long shift at the Minnesota Leather Pride booth starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 22.
- Walkies in the Park: 2019 Edition will start at 2 p.m., immediately after our shift at the Minnesota Leather Pride booth.
- Based on member feedback, we have decided to forego a separate parade unit this year. Instead, we will be marching with the large Leather Pride flag at the front of the parade! We will assemble at 2nd Avenue South and 3rd Street South at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 23.
Duluth/Superior Pride
The Lead Pack will be reviewing options for participating in the Duluth/Superior Pride Celebration at the June membership meeting. If you are interested in participating in an NSKC delegation, join us at this meeting or contact the Lead Pack.
We have also learned that the Twin Ports Kennel Club, a new group that has formed in Duluth/Superior, will be hosting a Pride mosh following the Duluth/Superior Pride Parade this coming Labor Day weekend. As we get more details, we will share them with you!
For more information….
For more information on these upcoming events, stay tuned to this website, our Facebook page and groups, or our Twitter feed!

2019 North Star Puppy Going to IPAHW!
2019 North Star Puppy Pup Whiskey Sickmann recently announced that he was planning compete for 2019 International Puppy at the upcoming International Puppy and Handler Weekend in Indianapolis. We wish him good luck!
Pup Whiskey is hosting a send-off party at The Saloon on Friday, July 13, 2019, from 6-9 p.m. The event has a sliding fee scale. Donate what you can. Proceeds will go towards his travel fund.
The emcee will be Mr. Twin Cities leather 2019 Kurt Patton. Performers include: Ashton tha Adorable Lover, Anaïse, and Rylee Ray Prettyman. There will be games and prize drawings! We hope you will join us!

NSKC Co-Hosting Mosh with Badger-PAH in July
The North Star Kennel Club will be co-hosting a mosh with Badger-PAH on July 27 from 1-5pm at Scooter’s in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The mosh will be followed by a dinner outing with those wanting to attend. We hope to see you there!

Monthly Membership Meetings
As a reminder, our monthly meetings are the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm, and are held in the Lower Level Conference Room of 2021 E Hennepin Ave. These meetings are open to the public, so anyone can come, listen in, and share their two cents.

Club Merchandise
Remember that members can purchase our merchandise, including:
- large NSKC patches ($25)
- small NSKC patches ($10)
- NSKC membership pins ($5)
- NSKC friendship pins (3 for $5)
- NSKC wristbands ($2)
You can buy our merchandise at any of our events or contact Bruizer, our Membership Committee chair for details!

Give us your feedback and Event Ideas!
Please use our feedback form to give us any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have. These are sent to the Lead Pack and the committees that perform the club’s activities. You can find it in the menu bar under Feedback.
If you have an event that you would like us to promote, organize, or co-host with you, please use our event submission form. You can find it in the menu bar under Events.

Volunteer Opportunities
Mosh Committee
The Mosh Committee is looking for volunteers to help in the following roles:
- setup/breakdown helpers
- greeters
- guest/newbie liaisons
- mosh pit trainers/referee
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee is looking for volunteers to help in the following roles:
- club photographers
- social media assistants
- website updates

StrictlyGeneric Discount
As members of the North Star Kennel Club you can get 10% off custom chain maille collars, harnesses and accessories, made by our own Pup Nyx, at StrictlyGeneric.com. Order from him in person and mention the discount, or order online and use code “NSKCMEMBERS” for the discount. Your club membership will be verified.